

For understanding performance, Preql should be considered as split into two components:

Component Type Performance Responsibility
Interpreter Procedural Very slow Control flow, and invoking the SQL Backend.
SQL Backend Relational Equivalent to SQL* Compiling to SQL, and executing it.

In a typical Preql program, most of the time will be spent in executing SQL, rather than in the interpreter.

Running SQL through Preql adds a constant-time cost, due to real-time compilation. This may be noticeable in very fast queries, such as fetching a single row by id.

Future versions of Preql will cut the constant-time cost significantly, by caching the compiled SQL (a poc is already working).


Comparison to hand-written SQL

The following benchmark compared the performance of hand-written SQL queries to Preql-generated SQL (without compilation costs).

The code is available on benchmark/

Results for Sqlite3 (1000 iterations):

Benchmark Graph-

  • Test A - Simple selection and projection
  • Test B - Multiple joins and a groupby